Our City, Our Schools Coalition
We build grassroots power to fight the root causes of state-imposed intervention in schools. We fight for authentic community decision-making, resources, stability, and improved learning and teaching conditions for our schools. We fight against harmful top-down interventions, such as turnaround and receivership.
Right now, Governor Baker and Education Commissioner Jeff Riley are threatening to impose a destabilizing takeover on the Boston Public Schools. Parents, educators, and students are fighting back because we know this is another distraction from winning the resources and changes our public schools need to succeed.
Across the United States, state takeovers have proven to be destabilizing, unsustainable, and dangerous for the future of children and students. Learn more below:
One-Pager (English/Español/Português/中国人 (Chinese)/عربي(Arabic))
Infographics (English/Español)
Town Hall Slideshow
Video: What happened in Lawrence
Data against receivership
Globe analysis: “School takeovers by the state haven’t worked”
Lesson Plan to teach about Receivership -
We have a very short timeline to avoid Receivership. The Board of Education discussed an “Update on the Boston Public Schools” on May 24th, and while Commissioner Riley did not make a recommendation on Receivership at that time, the door is still open. Currently, DESE is reviewing a draft agreement from Mayor Wu and should be responding soon. We need to keep the pressure on.
Students: Attend the student-led forum on Receivership Thursday 6/9 4pm. RSVP at tinyurl.com/NoTakeoverBPS
Share and sign the letter-writing campaign.
Get your Parent Council/School Site Council/Faculty Senate to sign-on to the letter.
Contact your State Rep and Senator; urge them to press Baker. Here’s a script.
Contact Governor Baker by phone (617) 725-4005, email, or twitter.
Stay tuned for a big rally at the State House.
Your voice is important to our coalition. Let us know if you’d like to join our action-planning meetings.
Here’s who’s already with us:
Black Teachers Matter
Boston Coalition for Education Equity
Boston Education Justice Alliance
Boston Liberation Center
Boston Teachers Union
Citizens for Public Schools
Community Labor United
JP Progressives
Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health
Massachusetts Education Justice Alliance
Massachusetts Jobs with Justice
Roslindale/West Roxbury Progressives
St. Stephen’s Youth ProgramsRead the City Council Resolution Opposing State Receivership for Boston Public Schools.
Email bejaruby@gmail.com to join our coalition and get involved.