Advocating on the forefront
for Public Education
We are students, educators, parents, school staff, and concerned community members who are dedicated to creating the schools our communities deserve.
BEJA welcomes our newest member,
Keondré McClay, as Executive Director
Keondré “Keo” McClay was born in Baton Rouge, LA, he was raised by his mother and grandmother, who instilled in him the core values of religion, academics, and family. An alumnus of Hult International Business School and the Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers in the Boston Public Schools (BPS), Keondré has dedicated nearly a decade to youth advocacy and education reform.
He has worked extensively with Boston Public Schools and served as a student representative on the Boston School Committee where he played a significant role in curriculum development.
Keondré has traveled to over 15 countries to share practices in student engagement, culturally sustaining educational practices, and global community building. His dedication earned him many accolades, most notably, the Madile Spirit Award presented by A Leadership Journey, which honors his perseverance, character, and leadership.
Keondré is the Founder and President of Liberation Reimagined, a nonprofit dedicated to igniting a passion for civic engagement and advocacy among students, aiming to inspire the next generation of leaders to make a positive difference in their communities.
BEJA proudly welcomes this accomplished and remarkable individual and we look forward to working together to uplift and engage the students in this community.
Read Keo’s statement to members here
Fund Our Schools: Strengthening Boston Public Schools Petition
We are parents, students, educators, workers and community members of Boston fighting for the schools our communities deserve. We are committed to working in coalition with the PILOT Action Group of ally organizations in the fields of housing, community development, healthcare and labor who are all concerned about the future of the PILOT program.
BPS Families for COVID Safety(FamCOSa) advocates for increased COVID safety measures in BPS. Email families4covidsafety@gmail.com or sign up at http://bit.ly/FamCOSaSignup.